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Staff Association

Staff Association

The Staff Association of Sree Narayana College supports creating a feeling of oneness and togetherness among the institution's staff since its inception in 2018. The Staff Association includes the teaching and non-teaching faculty of the college. The Staff Association initiates celebrations as well as training programmes for the faculty members for their overall development and entertainment. It helps the staff to get relieved from their hectic work schedule, develops unity and maintains friendship among the staff.

A healthy working atmosphere triggers the productivity and output of the employees. The Staff Association also took the initiative to provide financial aid for the faculty members during a crisis. The Staff Association also provides financial assistance for urgent medical treatments of the students. The meritorious achievements of the faculty as well as the students of the institution are acknowledged by the Staff Association. The Staff Association arranges social gatherings like Onam and Christmas celebrations. Honouring ceremonies and fiestas are arranged for the retiring faculty. The Staff Association also provides incentives to the teachers for attending Faculty Developing Programmes and Refresher Courses.

Staff Association Executive Members

No. Name Designation
1 Babitha B Secretary
2 Sreeji N.S Executive Member
3 Diviya K.D Executive Member
4 Vidhya E. A Executive Member
5 Srinivasan P. Executive Member
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