Dear students, parents, colleagues, alumni and well wishers,
Its my pleasure to welcome you to Sree Narayana College Nattika, a govt-aided Arts & Science institution affiliated to the University of Calicut in Kerala and managed by SN Trusts, Kollam. The aim of the Trust is to provide quality and need based education to all, so as to realize the high ideals of its spiritual guide Sree Narayana Guru, who professed the welfare of all without any discrimination on the basis of caste, creed or religion.
Nutured by the teachings of the Guru to “Seek freedom and enlightenment through education”, the college functions with a mission to transform youth to law abiding citizens, skilled and competent workers, critical thinkers and inspired learners prepared to thrive in the 21st century upholding the traditional morals and values throughout their lives.
With a proud legacy of 55 years endowed with progressive futuristic outlook, the college has been imparting quality education with a sense of commitment to fully meet the expectations of all stakeholders. The college has thereby played a pivotal role in the socio-economic development of Nattika, a coastal area of Thrissur district in Kerala.
This co-ed college enrols nearly 1500 students every year to eight UG and eight PG programmes. All UG programmes are of three year duration following the Choice based credit and semester system of Calicut university.
We follow the mentor- mentee system of personal attention to make students emotionally strong and to assist them to achieve their goals. Mentoring programs like Walk with a Scholar and Scholar Support Programme caters to the needs of advanced and slow learners respectively. Additional Skill Acquisition programme equips students with skills in communication, IT and selected areas of industry and service sectors. Our students bring laurels to the institution by securing top ranks in the university level examinations.
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) adopts and disseminates quality culture in the institution. Various seminars, conferences and workshops are organised by the IQAC for the empowerment of students and teachers alike. Seminar Parampara, Satrajalakam and NAAC sponsored seminar on “Futuristic Trends in Teaching and Learning: Prospects & Praxis” are few such noteworthy events.
Participation of students in the programmes organised by various clubs, cells, committees facilitate creativity and critical thinking as well as inculcate moral and social values, awareness of one’s rights and duties, compassion for nature and pride for culture and tradition. Imbibing theses quality transforms them to good human beings and confident leaders of tomorrow.
The college has a distinguished reputation in the field of sports and cultural activities. Our students have emerged winners in Chess competitions and Body building competitions in the university level and national level. One of our student had consistently maintained Best Actress award of Calicut university D-Zone for the previous two years.
NAAC accreditation (III cycle) of 2021 has rated the college at B+ level. Thereafter the college was granted DST-FIST fund for development of infrastructure in science and technology. Another significant achievement of the college is its inclusion in the 150-200 rank band of National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) in 2019, 2020 & 2021. At this juncture, I gratefully acknowledge the yeomen service rendered by the visionaries of the past, alumni, former teachers and all stakeholders for their selfless service and support to bring glory and honour to our college.
Now the college is gearing up for the III cycle of NAAC reaccreditation. On this occasion I sincerely seek the support of all stakeholders for achieving greater success and scaling new heights in the coming future.
With best wishes