Central Library
Working Hours
On all working days from 9 am – 4.30 pm without any interval.Library is the heart of any educational or academic institution because it is the spring of wisdom from where all can quench their thirst for knowledge. Sree Narayana College Library upholds the philosophy and ideals of Sree Narayana Guru with the motto of empowerment through knowledge.
Our Library has a huge collection of books and reference materials for satisfying the academic and research needs of the students and faculty. The library has automated all its library activities to provide effective and wide range of academic resources such as books, journals and online databases.
Sree Narayana College Central Library acquired a building of its own in 2017. The Library Complex is housed in a separate building in a serene atmosphere, with a built up area of 6061 sq.ft and is spread over two floors with an automated service system. Reader’s entry and exit is recorded through an access control and management system.
The Ground Floor has
- Gate register
- OPAC System
- Circulation Counter (issue & return)
- E-Library
- Competitive Exams study corner
- Reference Section
- Reading Area
- Newspapers
- Magazines
- Journals
- Special Collection on Sree Narayana Guru
The First floor has
The First floor of the library accommodates the stacking section. The library possesses a rich collection of 48000+ books.

The Best Reader Award titled BOOKMARK AWARD is presented to a student every year on the Library Day in March. The award consists of a memento, 10 books and a cash award of Rs.2000/-
The BOOKMARK AWARD is sponsored by Sri Bappu Valappad, the well-known writer of the Manappuram area.

In our library, the concept of Book Treat has been introduced as a Best Practice since 2020. For this, the most popularized books are collected under the title My Book to My Library campaign.
“DONATE THE BOOKS THAT YOU HAVE READ OR RECOMMEND TO BE READ TO OUR LIBRARY ON YOUR BIRTHDAY.”The books received through Book Treat will be kept in the library as a Special Collection with the names of the donors recorded. This will be a Memory Book in the library. The practice of giving one book to the library from each class is also encouraged.
BOOK LOVER of the month
Every month one READER is selected as a BOOK LOVER. Selection is fully based on library usage and broad reading (except Syllabus books).
Rs. 250/- and a memento is presented to honour her/him.
A meeting is conducted every month in the Library to honour the Book Lover of the month. The Principal, IQAC Coordinator and Library Advisory Committee Members and students will be present in the meeting. The Principal will give away the Prizes.

Facilities and Services Available in the Library
The library is automated with the software KOHA for the overall management of library operations. Books are classified according to the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme 22nd edition. We provide open access facility in the library keeping in mind the right information for the right user at the right time. The library’s assets are mainly for the students, faculties and the staffs
- Books- 48000+
- Newspapers-10Nos
- Periodicals-8 Nos
- Journals-16 Nos
- E-Journals – 6000 + (N-LIST)
- E-Books – 31,35,000 + (N-LIST)
The library possesses a rich collection of 48000+ books, 16 journals, 8 periodicals and 10 dailies. Latest issue of the dailies and periodicals are displayed in the reading area.
Complete works of Sree Narayana Guru occupies a separate section in the Reading Area.
Reference section covers all the subject heads in the Library. There is a separate collection of books for competitive examinations and general reference like Encyclopaedias, dictionaries, yearbooks, etc. Library has a few Braille books for reference.
College library provides facility to check plagiarism of research works through URKUND software. URKUND is a plagiarism detection tool provided by INFLIBNET. Theses and research papers of faculty members, research scholars and students can be checked for plagiarism through this platform.
Membership of Library is open to all staff, students and Research Scholars of Sree Narayana College. The Library also welcomes Alumni, Students and Research Scholars of other institutions to use library resources with the prior permission of the Principal.
Number of Books issued for:- Faculty – 10 Nos
- UG Students -3 Nos
- PG Students – 5 Nos
- Personal belongings should be kept in Property Counter at owners’ risk.
- Identity Card is a must for Library entry and users should swipe the ID cards on the Library E-gate Register. As part of usage statistics, always record your details in the gate register.
- Personal books, Issued books are not allowed for consultation/reference in the library. Students are allowed to take only pen and paper inside the Library.
- Borrowed Books should be returned on the due date stamped on the date label in the book. The loan period is normally 14 days. A fine of Rs. 1 will be levied if a book is detained beyond due date.
- Absence or illness is not an excuse for late return of books.
- Library Membership Cards are not transferrable and Card holders would be responsible for the books issued against the Card. Loss of Borrowed books/Library Cards have to be reported immediately in writing to the Librarian.
- Librarian reserve the right to recall books for valid reasons.
- At the end of the course, students shall surrender all Membership Cards and return all books borrowed from the library on the day notified by the Librarian.
- Reference Books and periodicals will not be lent out.
- Books should be handled with great care. Mutilation of Books in any manner will be fined.
- Books may be put on the table after use; you need not attempt to shelve them by yourself. BOOK MISPLACED IS A BOOK LOST.
- Mobile should be switched off or kept on silent mode inside the library.
- As the library is under CCTV surveillance, all activities related to violation of library rules will be recorded.
- All complaints and suggestions should be made in writing to the Librarian.
- Silence should be maintained in the library and its immediate premises.
- Always communicate to library staff about your needs
- Maintain a queue at circulation counter.
- Carry ID Cards at all times & produce them on demand.
The Library Advisory Committee advises on all matters regarding the organization and service of the library. The Committee is constituted for updating and enhancing the college library by extending advice, suggestions and new ideas from time to time related to the developmental activities. The committee also tries to identify the emerging and innovative trends that affect library services and puts into practice new strategies to engage the students more effectively.
- Smt. Midhu P B – Librarian & Coordinator
- Sri. Vishnu P A – Convenor
- Smt. Deepa V - Member
- Dr Riya V M - Member
- Dr Siji Narendran N K – Member
The central library is housed in a separate block of 6000 sq ft behind the main building in the campus. It has an automated service system
managed by software LIBSOFT. It has a collection of over 46082 books. There are four main sections in the library: Periodical section, Reference section, Stack room and Reading room.
Digital Library: The digital section of the library can be accessed using link: www.sncndigital.libsoft.org
Access to e-resources such as e-books, e-journals, e-databases, e-thesis and archives of old question papers are available at this link.