Over the last two decades, India has remarkably transformed its higher education landscape. India has not only bettered its enrolment numbers but has enhanced its learning outcomes. The country has also undertaken large-scale reforms to better faculty-student ratios by making teaching an attractive career path. Vision 2030 envisages Higher education as of vital importance for the country, as it is a powerful tool to build knowledge based society of the future.
AISHE (All India Survey of Higher Education) is an annual system of data collection on higher education in the country. It is an initiative of the Ministry of Human Resource Development started in 2010-11. The survey covers all the Institutions in the country engaged in imparting higher education. Data is collected on parameters such as teachers, students, programmes, results, education finance, and infrastructure.
Indicators of educational development such as Institution Density, Gross Enrolment Ratio, Pupil-teacher ratio, Gender Parity Index, Per Student Expenditure are calculated from the data collected through AISHE. These are used in making informed policy decisions and research for development of education sector.