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Tutorial System

Tutorial System



  1. This system has been envisaged by the UGC and implemented vide G.O.(MS)No 118/93/H Edn dt. 13.09.1993 and Circular from Director of Collegiate Education, No. Spl. 30532/94/Coll.Edn. dated 18/06/1994
  2. Four hours of the 40 hour workload in 5 day week are set apart for tutorial work.
  3. Necessary allocation of hours (between 9.30 am – 4.30 pm) for tutorial work may be done in the class time table by the Principal in consultation with the college council.
  4. Principal of the college shall be in overall charge of the system.
  5. There will be a committee consisting of a coordinator and one member from each department to assist the Principal in implementing the system.
  6. Students are grouped into batches about 20-25 and each batch is guided by a teacher designated as group tutor/mentor.
  7. Group tutor/mentor shall guide and evaluate the curricular and co curricular activities of the students. The mentor is expected to have a good rapport with the students and he/she should make the student emotionally and psychologically stronger.
  8. The tutorial report, Bio data and all other information regarding every student shall be kept for the entire period of the academic programme.
  9. Principal and tutorial committee function to assist the tutors/ mentors and the students.


• Tutorial system aims at improving the all round performance of the students.

• Provide better opportunities for personal rapport between the teacher and the student.

• Identify the strength and weakness of each student

• Assist the students to plan and choose a suitable career.

• Obtain feedback from the students regarding the functioning of the system.

• Monitor the curricular and co curricular activities of the wards.

• Identify students requiring counseling, health check up and remedial coaching. Also identify students with high caliber and guide them to programmes like WWS.

• Direct the students to join various clubs and committees according to their tastes.

• Assist students to apply for scholarships etc.

• Initiate to organize class PTAs.



• The tutor/mentor should meet the students in all tutorial hours and talk to them collectively and individually.

• Monthly attendance statement of the students should be prepared with the assistance of attendance committee and should publish the same. Grievances of the students if any are to be considered with care.

• All the applications/ requests of the students shall be recommended and signed by the group tutor/mentor before submitting for considerations from the Principal/office.

• A tutor/mentor should keep a healthy and intimate relation with every student, and should be aware of the psychological, emotional, moral and physical discomforts and give guidance: or if necessary seek help from the redressal system.

• The tutor/mentor should, with the help of the coordinator, see that the system is properly and timely linked to other activities in the college and direct the students to various centres clubs and committees such as counseling centre, grievance redressal cell, health club, literary club, quiz club, fine arts club, science club, media centre, farm club, career guidance cell etc.

• The tutor/ mentor should attend to all the problems faced by the students 

• Tutor/mentor should give special attention to the economically and socially backward students.

• Tutor/mentor should assist the wards to avail scholarships/freeships/endowments etc.

• The tutor/mentor should attend PTA meetings to interact with parents.

The Heads of the Departments and Tutorial Committee should monitor that the system is systematically implemented. They may seek help from the Principal if needed.

The Mentor/ tutor may record the details of the students including:

Family background

• Members of the family
• Members employed
• Details of members who are working abroad
• Responsibilities at home
• Distance from home to college
• Family problems if any
• Economic condition of the family
• Whether need financial help

Educational profile

• Monthly attendance
• Reasons for leave
• Marks in test papers
• Difficult subjects. Whether remedial coaching needed.
• Computer literacy
• Plans for higher studies

Co curricular abilities

• Arts/sports/literary activities
• Membership in voluntary organizations
• Involvement in any other social bodies

Health status

• Disease/any family history of diseases
• Whether needs counseling
• Emotional/intellectual/physical/psychological and social problems that disturb the overall development of the student.

Any other things to note

• Habits • Ambitions
• Career plans
• Part time jobs
• Self assessment
• Any other matter


Coordinator : Arathy K D
Members : Anila Balan
                 Bibin Prabhu
                 Sheeja P Parayil
                 Savitha Nandan
                 Arya Viswanath
                 Remya L
                 Minu K M



Dr.Vivek B

Assistant Professor


Date of introduction Download reports