• 0487 - 2391246
  • info@sncollegenattika.ac.in



The faculty of Statistics was started in the year 1982 when B.Sc. Degree course in Mathematics was introduced with ‘Statistics’ as a subsidiary paper. B.A. Degree course in Economics was commenced in 1981 with “Quantitative Analysis” as one of the core papers. In 1995 B.Sc. Degree course in Aquaculture was started for which Bio Statistics formed one third of the paper ‘Bio Technology, Bio Statistics and Computer Application’. Bio Statistics comes under the faculty of Statistics. Another Degree course in Bio Physics was introduced in the College in the year 1999. The Syllabi of the course also include Bio Statistics.MA course in Economics was commenced in 2013 with “Quantitative Methods for Economic Analysis “ as one of the core papers.

Our Mission

* To familiarize the students at undergraduate level with the role of probabilistic as well as descriptive and inferential statistical ideas in arts and science. * To provide in depth knowledge regarding the theory and application of statistical Techniques

Our Vision

* To continue shaping the statistical thoughts in their graduation. * To provide high quality statistical services ,contributing to the social and economic development of our nation.

Programme Details

# Max Intake Date of introduction Download Syllabus
PG (Integrated Programme) 30
UG (Statistics) 2015-01-02